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  • kids feeling better

  • communicating more

  • less behaviors

  • more engagement

  • more connection

  • feeling prepared

  • knowing how to help

  • feeling successful


  Child, Parent, Teachers, Grandparent & SLP Perspectives

My favorite is Morgan The Monkey Needs To Swing.  I swing all time. Morgan like me.  Feel good.  I like books.  
               -Sander P. (7 yrs old, uses AAC)


My daughter Jayda has Autism and significant social anxiety.  She has a really hard time staying regulated and going out in the community used to be a nightmare prior to having the hand squeezing strategy.  She used to bite her hands and pinch herself when she was feeling dysregulated.  Now she asks for hand squeezes and we use them throughout her entire day.  It's made such a difference in Jayda's life and as a mom, I feel like I can finally help her. 
                   -Candace S.  (Jayda's mom)


I'm a special needs teacher and work specifically with kids with autism.  I felt completely overwhelmed by the needs of my students most days, and I didn't feel equipped to help. Most days, I Ieft school feeling discouraged because I didn't know how to reach my students, let alone teach them.  The SLP in my school introduced me to these sensory books.  We started doing a sensory lesson at the beginning of every block and it was amazing seeing the transformation of my students. The behaviors of hitting, scratching, and pinching went down or completely stopped for every student in my class.  I am thrilled that my students are more engaged and ready to learn.  These books changed my approach and my classroom in such a positive way!
                  -Angela T. (teacher)


I have been helping my daughter take care of her two boys, Jaxon and a Mason, since they were born.  They were diagnosed with autism at 3 years old.  It's been so hard trying to get help and find better ways to get through the day.  I'm old and both boys are so busy, I used to call them my "little tornadoes."  The boys early intervention teacher came to our house one day with these books with cute little characters, and I thought my grandsons are just going to tear them up. Little did I know how powerful they could be.  When she started reading and doing the head squeezing strategy (Hawkins) and then arm squeezes (Ozo).  It was like a switch flipped with my grandsons.  They were so calm and could sit. My boys still need to move more than other kids, but these strategies made a world of difference in our lives.  Since we've been using these strategies they stopped scratching and pinching,  I wish every family had  these books.  This should be in every library!
  -Janet P. (Jaxon & Mason's grandma)


I wanted to say thank you for giving me a great resource to use with my students.  One of my students, Nathan, has some extra sensory needs which made it really challenging for him and others to learn.  Nathan is a huge fan of the hand and arm squeezing strategies and he is so much calmer. I feel like he's finally taking in what I'm teaching.  Keep these books coming because I need even more strategies.
         -Kevin S. (Special Ed. Teacher)



I've been a Speech Pathologist for over two decades and always struggled with how to meet the sensory needs of my students.  These "Living In The Land of Sensory" books have made such a difference in my therapy sessions.  I now have strategies to help and have learned how to maximize  communication opportunities.  For the first time, I feel like I have a handle on the sensory needs of my students and am grateful for these books. My students are talking more and initiating communication!
p.s. They are extremely parent friendly as well!
                     - Julie B. (SLP)


I used to hate going to school until my teacher read "Ozo The Octopus" book with me.  I learned that arm squeezes really make my body feel calm.  I used to get panicked at school a lot, but now my teacher will offer to do arm squeezes if she sees me getting nervous and I'm learning to do them myself.  It's amazing how something so simple can make me feel so much better.  You should try them, they actually work.  
                      -Stefany W. (9 yr. old)


Sensory Books

Books by Lizzy

Books by Lizzy
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