Elizabeth Eskow Bortz, author of the Living In the Land of Sensory Book Series, is a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) with years of experience working with individuals that have sensory and communication needs. Elizabeth is a mom of two incredible boys, and treasures time with her husband and family. Elizabeth has gained vast experience working across a variety of settings including schools, Infants & Toddler programs, and medical settings. Elizabeth cares deeply about improving the lives of individuals with communication needs. Books by Lizzy, LLC was started to equip families, school teams, and support staff with resources and strategies to meet both the sensory and communication needs of individuals. Elizabeth has seen first hand how helpful these strategies can be for children with ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and many other conditions. Elizabeth has learned over the years, that individuals with complex bodies often have extensive sensory needs as well, but those are often over looked. Using the sensory strategies from the “The Living In The Land of Sensory Books Series”, helps provide calming input that can help improve their quality of life. Professionally, Elizabeth is most passionate about Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Sensory Integration strategies.
Elizabeth started writing out of the need to process grief, over losing her precious sister, Christy, to cancer. Out of this tragedy, Elizabeth wanted to help families through life's challenges and share her passion for meeting both the sensory and language needs of others. Helping people has always been important to Elizabeth's family and her hope is that these books make a positive impact in your life. Elizabeth has created two book series, Living In the Land of Sensory and a second series called Living In the Land of Emotions (a work in progress). Hopefully there are many more characters you will have a chance to meet, and strategies that can be shared or used together. Using a variety of sensory strategies throughout the day can make a significant impact to improve emotional regulation and help foster positive behaviors by addressing sensory and communication needs.
In Elizabeth's "free time", she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, traveling, baking, photography, and is always up for an adventure. Usually once one adventure is completed, she starts planning the next right away! As an SLP, she has worked with thousands of individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities and loves collaborating with families, clinicians, and educators.
These strategies are incredibly effective and can help to make a difference in your life, too!