Christy The Cricket has extra sensory needs and often bumps into things because she needs more input to her body. Christy has tons of energy but often feels overwhelmed. Crawling helps her feel calm and in control. Her parents help reminds her to crawl, crawl, crawl.
Check out the benefits of crawling and how this can help the children in your life.
Abby The Alligator has a sensory processing disorder and has extremely busy hands. Throughout this book you will see Abby's parents and friends use the hand squeezing strategy. This gives her the input she needs to make her body feel calm. This books also shows adults how to foster positive communication interactions and help children learn to express their
sensory needs.
Abby The Alligator has a sensory processing disorder and has extremely busy hands. Throughout this book you will see Abby's parents and friends use the hand squeezing strategy. This gives her the input she needs to make her body feel calm. This books also shows adults how to foster positive communication interactions and help children learn to express their
sensory needs.
Hawkins the Hedgehog is a sweet story that shows how the head squeezing strategy meets Hawkins sensory needs. Hawkins has autism and uses a communication device to express what he is thinking. Children can learn from Hawkins, by expressing their sensory needs and adults can learn how to help meet sensory needs of individuals with autism and sensory processing disorders by using a variety of tips and strategies explained and demonstrated throughout the book.
Ozo the Octopus is always on the go, and his arms are usually touching everything in his reach? Do you know anyone like this in your life? If so, you can probably relate to Ozo and his teachers. You will learn the easy-to-use therapeutic strategy of arm squeezes which helps Ozo's body feel calm and gives him input that his
body needs.
Morgan the Monkey Needs to Swing tells all about Morgan and his busy life in the jungle and his constant need for movement. Throughout this story, Morgan uses a swing to help his body stay calm and his family learns how to set up communication opportunities to help his language skills grow and express his sensory needs.